Valhalla project eve
Valhalla project eve

valhalla project eve

A lot of the high Vor families in the Sector send their children there. Tien thought this private school would be much better. You know how kids can gang up on anyone who's different, at that age. But being a Barrayaran, an off-worlder, in a Komarran classroom might have been difficult for Nikki. Not that his school we saw this morning isn't very nice, of course, which I shall report back for her reassurance, I promise. She did think you would seize the opportunity to place Nikki in a Komarran school, for the, as she would say, cultural experience. Tien had been thirty when they'd married. Well, as she'd stretched into hers she'd been only twenty, after all. A young couple's early life was supposed to be unsettled, as they stretched into their new lives as adults. How could he ever garner the rewards of promotion and seniority, the status he hungered for, if he never stuck with one thing long enough to earn any? His first few postings, she'd had to agree with him, had been mediocre she'd had no problem understanding why he wanted to move on quickly. Maybe Tien would stay with this Komarran post. And then I had to leave most of the pots, when we came here. The last two relocations, I just didn't plant anything except in pots. Was this normal for a rising bureaucrat? Tien said it was a necessity, no bosses ever promoted from within or raised a former subordinate above them you had to go around to move up. won't pretend that hasn't been difficult. So I went down there in person and asked around. In fact, I think he gave me a run-around. I finally called her department head, Administrator Soudha. Anyway, time went by, and time went by, and I didn't hear. And yours is? She blinked that thought away.

Valhalla project eve